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Meet the Prude


*a person who is or claims to be easily shocked by matters relating to sex or nudity.

Synonyms: Puritan, killjoy, pietist

Hello, there!

My name is Taylor, I often go by Snaylor, and I identify as an asexual. I often tell people that I am emotionally unavailable when it comes to relationships, but not friendships, romantic relationships. They often respond by telling me that I will just grow out of it. I will find the right person for me, I'm just being a prude.

Well, I’m 22 years old and have yet to do that.

I describe myself as the quirky best friend character portrayed in most television shows. I wear glasses (because I can’t see, but people think I’m trying to make a statement), I wear clothes that don’t really accentuate my figure (it’s hot in town and I need a breeze), and I don’t care about hooking up with people (it’s icky and everyone gets emotional about it).

I accept being called a prude. I don’t think it’s insulting. In fact, sometimes I do think I am too immature for most conversations about the birds and the bees. So, I decided to write a blog about it.

I embrace my femininity, but I don’t flaunt it in tight/low-cut clothes. My body is too square for that. I do, however, flaunt it in shapeless garments that make me feel confident.

Confidence is key.

So, I bring you my new blog series – “A Prude in the City.” I will talk you about my weekly adventures of interacting/avoiding the opposite sex. What happens when I get hit on, what happens when I get avoided, etc.

I hope you enjoy and laugh along with me as this goes on. I hope those who are also awkward find comfort knowing that you are not alone and I hope people who are happily in relationships or happy being single and mingling find this entertaining.

"You can't wait for inspiration, you have to beat it with a club." - Jack London

Snaily  Quote



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