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Applying for my Dream Job

Yesterday, I sat down at my desk, pulled out my Passion Planner and saw that it was the day I have been anxiously awaiting, the day to apply for my dream job and it was as terrifying and exciting as I thought it would be. I applied for a coveted position in the NBC Page Program, best portrayed by Jack McBrayer’s Kenneth the Page on 30 Rock.

This guy!

If you haven’t seen 30 Rock and don’t know what the Page Program is, it’s a 12-month hands-on experience at NBCUniversal where Pages go through different assignments within certain areas of NBC. At the end of the program, it could be possible to secure a job at NBC, which is what I have wanted to do since, well, forever.

So, what does it feel like to apply for a job so important to you? Here is basically how I felt during the application process.

When you open the application and it asks you to submit a resume and cover letter:

When the application asks for a detailed description of each of your jobs after you submit your resume:

When you question everything filling out the questionnaire about your life:

When there is an essay portion and you miss writing essays for class:

When you're all done and submit the application:

Getting a confirmation email with your application info:

I will find out in about two weeks if I am lucky enough to be selected for second step of their hiring process. In two weeks, if I don’t hear anything, I will just be happy knowing that I wasn’t afraid to apply. I find the things I care about most are the most difficult to go after because the rejection will hurt more than a regular job. But, you can’t get something you didn’t try for.

And if I get an email saying I was selected, well…

"You can't wait for inspiration, you have to beat it with a club." - Jack London

Snaily  Quote



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